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Dimensions & Details

110 cm
76 cm
110 cm
45 kg
110 cm
2 cm
Aime Té
Type of frame
Center leg
Frame material
Frame color
finish top


Our round India Green marble table is now available with a center leg frame! This green round marble table has a beautiful, minimalist design, giving it the appearance of a classic bistro table. Thanks to the practical, stylish center leg, there is enough space for several people to sit around the table. We specially designed this luxury frame to give the dining table an extra dimension. The round shape is available in six different sizes, so there's always a table to match your home interior. This round India Green dining table has a beautiful, polished finish, which creates a natural shine.

Impregnate your table before use with an impregnation agent for marble. This makes the table more resistant to surface stains and scratches. Please note that this does not change the porous nature of marble, so we recommend always protecting the table with coasters, placemats and maintaining the marble regularly. Read more about marble maintenance on the About Marble page. 

We deliver the table as usual from stock and our specialised transport partners will assemble it for you inside your house. More information about our delivery conditions is available in our Frequently Asked Questions.

KIYO round dining table – India Green marble (black center-leg)


Delivered to you within 10-12 weeks

Frame Center leg
Choose a Frame
Size 110 cm
Choose a Size
finish top Glossy
Choose a finish top
Gifting Season

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