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Dimensions & Details

80 cm
74 cm
57 cm
9 kg


As our Pierre dining chairs are more popular than ever right now, we have expanded the Pierre collection! The luxury rattan kangaroo chair inspired by the Swiss designer Pierre Jeanneret is now available. The combination of the brown wood and the woven rattan seat gives it a unique design that looks beautiful in any living room, sitting room or study. Dare to stand out with this stylish, comfortable rattan kangaroo chair!

The Kangaroo chairs are delivered in the Netherlands and Belgium free of charge. Depending on your location elsewhere in Europe, the transportation costs may vary. We also offer last-mile delivery, which means the delivery men assemble the chairs and put them in your living room. More information about our delivery conditions is available in our Frequently Asked Questions.

Rattan Kangaroo Chair – Pierre – Brown


Delivered to you within 3 weeks

Color Brown wood
Choose a Color